Monday, February 23, 2015

The Original LEGO movie wins the Oscar : NASA Jumps On 'Interstellar' Win

Not everything was awesome for Lego last night -- the company could have done with a nomination for "The Lego Movie" -- but that didn’t stop it from winning something during the Oscars. Lego was the most talked about brand on Twitter during last night's award show. 

Even without a nomination, Lego was visible throughout the night. Viewers repeatedly saw celebrities holding Oscar awards made of Legos, and there was an entire number of “Everything is Awesome.” The brand recorded over 47,000 mentions on Twitter last night, with 45% being positive and 14% negative. 

That’s according to Amobee Brand Intelligence, a digital marketing company. Amobee notes that Lego was boosted by earned media, and was the most talked about brand after the first hour of the Oscars as well. 

 Dove was second with 29,250 social mentions, with a whopping 91% being positive and only 3% negative. Amobee notes this was boosted by an earned campaign. Dove's #SpeakBeautiful hashtag had 14,148 mentions on Twitter (95% positive) in the two hour lead up to the Oscars, per Amobee. "There was a 400% rise in mentions during the two hours before the Oscars, almost entirely online and organically generated," a company representative said. Coke was third with 12,600 mentions (28% positive, 14% negative), Samsung was fourth (23% positive, 9% negative) and McDonalds was fifth (17% positive, 21% negative). 

 Lady Gaga dominated mentions among celebrities, hauling in over half a million, with 38% being positive. However, Patricia Arquette of “Boyhood” may end up being the most talked about in the long run. She finished the night as the second most mentioned celebrity with 168,930 mentions, 48% of which were positive. Arquette was the center of attention after calling for gender equality -- particularly as it relates to pay -- during her acceptance speech. 

Merely Streep was seen cheering for Arquette’s message, and she ended up being the seventh most talked about celebrity last night, with 89,712 mentions, 28% of which were positive. When it came to “real-time marketing” tweets, perhaps the most popular was NASA’s, which one-upped Interstellar’s visual effects award by showing a non-edited visual of Earth. The tweet has gained over 10,000 retweets and nearly 10,000 favorites, and counting.

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